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公司名稱: Fore Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
國家 : [CN] China
公司介紹 :
We are factory in China specializing in the manufacture and export of digital products including GPS navigations, with 3.5 inch, 4 and 4.3 inch and 7 inch LCD touch screens, and with multi-functions including navigation, video and audio player, and e-book browsing.
公司名稱: Onnto Corp.
國家 : [TW] Taiwan
公司介紹 :
Onnto products well regarded by PC and Mac users for their superior design quality. In 2002, we accurately identified the tremendous growth potential of the external storage market.
Onnto has identified a pressing need for data security in the Corporate, Government, Medical, and Banking sectors as well as for individuals trading in non-public and/or confidential data.
公司名稱: 深圳市科派电子厂
國家 : [CN] China
公司介紹 :
科派(深圳)科技電子有限公司是一家民營高科技企業,公司自創業初始就確立了“科技是我們立足的根本,潮流是我們的追求!”的企業理念,全面推行了ISO 9000質量體系認證,擁有雄厚的專業技術人才,具有開發研製相關應用産品的技術能力,擁有遍佈世界各地的客戶群並且在中國大陸十幾個省、市自建了獨立、完善強力的銷售網路和售後服務系統,贏得廣大客戶一直的信賴和鼎力支援。 “科派”在國內塑膠面板專業設計開發領域擁有雄厚實力,更致力於當今尖端電子産品的研發與生産,推出科派視聽産品系列:攜帶型VCD+VD+MP3 +DVD機;數碼産品系列:MP3、移動記憶體(U)盤等一系列産品。“金鳳凰”將與您共用時尚、潮流。 “誠摯服務、品質卓越、永創一流、用戶至上”是本公司的經營宗旨,竭誠歡迎廣大客戶光臨惠顧、洽談業務。
公司名稱: 正盛國際實業股份有限公司
國家 : [TW] Taiwan
公司介紹 :
Chen Sheng Technology Corp. is a professional computer-storage accessories manufacturer, specializing in product R&D and manufacturing. We provide OEM/ODM services for small volume of corporate gifts program for the products of USB flash drive, MP3 player, external HDD enclosures, card reader with USB hub, and Laser pointer with USB drive.
公司名稱: Zhongshan Pop-mouse Factory
國家 : [CN] China
公司介紹 :
From its establishment in 1999, Zhongshan Pop-mouse Factory has evolved speedily to a professional computer mouse manufacturer in China of optical mouse, wireless optical mouse, Scroll wheel 3D mouse, Aqua (liquid) mouse, promotional gift mouse, keyboard, wireless keyboard, speaker and other computer peripheral.
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