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chitosan oligosaccharide
產品: Chitosan Oligosaccharide
Chitosan Oligosaccharide refined from Food Grade Chitosan, which made from the Alaska deep-sea snow crab shells, using high-tech means and modern biological ...
公司: [ CN] Shandong Guanghao Biological Products Co.,Ltd
adhesive tape
產品: Adhesive Tape
We are one of the biggest manufacture of bopp adhesive tape.Our productions are high quality and competitive price.we are the first if you search adhesive ...
公司: [ CN] yiwu changfa plastic co.,ltd
Fish oil softgel
產品: Fish Oil Softgel
Our company, Rongcheng Baihe Biology Technological Co., Ltd. is the largest manufacturer and supplier of nutritional supplements in China and owns four ...
公司: [ CN] Rongcheng Baihe Biology Technological Co., Ltd.
Fmoc-amino acid derivatives
產品: Fmoc-Amino Acid Derivatives
We are a Chinese biochemical company that specializes in manufacturing and exporting fine chemicals, such as Amino Acid products, Derivatives, and Intermediates. ...
公司: [ CN] Chengdu Yuekang S&T CO., Ltd
bllood bag
產品: Bllood Bag
all kinds of blood bag, and other disposable medical product
公司: [ CN] shandong weigao group
Monitoring devices
產品: Monitoring Devices
Alcohol Saliva Test The One-Step Alcohol Saliva Screen in Test is a simple, accurate and convenient chemical assay for rapid and qualitative detection ...
公司: [ CN] Athena Labratory Technology Co.,ltd
Grape seed extract
產品: Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed extract can Scavenges free radical; Enhances capillary strength and vascular function, Prevents cardiovascular disease, Increases peripheral ...
公司: [ CN] Shannxi Kingsci biotechnology co., ltd
Operating Scissors
產品: Operating Scissors
Made of High Quality Stainless Steel are available as per customer requirement. Description: STANDARD PATTERN Operating Scissors, DELICATE PATTERN Lightweight ...
公司: [ PK] Steel Surgico
Hospital bed SAE-SY06
產品: Hospital Bed SAE-SY06
electionic bed machine: use the import electionic system, noisy less, and uselie turn longer, the control machine arrange the protected bar and tail of ...
公司: [ CN] NingBo Shuaner Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., is a member of Ningbo Medical Association, the Zhejiang
massage hammer
產品: Massage Hammer
Product introduction: 1.tapping-vibrating massage mode designed in accordance with ergonomics so as to effect humanized massage to the user 2.2-level(high ...
公司: [ CN] ShenZhen Pleasure Science&Technology Co.,Ltd
Zinc-Bacitracin & 15% Granular
產品: Zinc-Bacitracin &Amp; 15% Granular
Characteristics yellowish-grey to pale brown Granucles conforms Indentification it responds to the identifica Test under bacitracin conforms Zinc ...
公司: [ CN] China JiangSu Int'l Group
Turbo Body Black Diamond Maca
產品: Turbo Body黑鑽瑪卡-慾望之泉
背景簡介 帝王御用 強大能量 黑瑪卡(Black Maca),隱藏在安地斯山脈4000公尺最高海拔處的秘密寶物,相傳五千年前的印加王國,只有帝王得以享用,擁有過人的強大生命能量 因為稀有與珍貴,數千年來被印加人尊崇為神賜的聖物,有<秘魯人參>之稱,滋補精力體力,可說是全世界男人追求的夢幻聖品! TURBO BODY運用繁複且嚴謹的現代高科技,使古代帝王尊榮,自信與權力的秘密再現 稀有如金 貴如寶鑽 承接天之甘露,地之藏養,凝聚日月之精華的最高等級黑瑪卡,僅生長於秘魯安地斯山,在當地嚴寒,狂風以及強烈的陽光等極端氣候條件下使黑瑪卡採收率不到30%,而能用來萃取TURBO BODY商品需再精心挑選,不到10% 在經瑞士,德國,秘魯等世界頂尖科學家團隊篩選上百種瑪卡,多年研究下證實黑瑪卡具有獨特活性物質,能帶給男人自信,幸福的生活,是大自然賜予男人最好的禮物 品質講究 四大特點 1.來自祕魯,頂級黑鑽瑪卡  瑪卡有多種顏色,黑瑪卡含有較豐富的總硫代葡萄糖 ,芳香葡萄糖 等營養,比那些黃色,粉紅色,紫色的瑪卡高上數十倍,能有效調節男性生理機能 2.生機栽種,自然滋養 以半野生,不強灌化學農藥的生機方式栽種,給人體最純粹的照顧 3.先進技術,高活性高吸收  結合德國特殊<低溫糊化+草本活化>生產技術與<酒精性萃取>,不僅提高活性與吸收,活性物質也更容易溶解,釋放,迅速提振爆發力! 4.生機栽種證明書  日本JAS認證 美國USDA認證 歐盟EU認證 祕魯產地證明書 獨特製程 1. 自然栽種/手工採收 影響瑪卡質量好壞最重要的關鍵就是:生態,土壤條件,栽培和顏色種類 TURBO BODY使用的黑鑽瑪卡,以半野生方式培育,不使用化學肥料,農藥 採收時,以費時的手工方式挖出,小心仔細的呵護黑鑽瑪卡,維持外表完整性以避免活性消耗減少,並於12小時內將其乾燥,以保存最佳活性營養素 2. 德國生產技術 採用德國獨特的草本微活化(Micronization)技術,並利用低溫澱粉糊化(Gelatinization)技術,保留活性精華營養成分,達到細分子化,提高活性與吸收率等作用 3. 酒精性萃取 利用酒精液體萃取,可將活性物質更容易的溶解,瑪卡中的有效成分液更能釋放出來,快速的補充精力營養,成為男人不可或缺的寶物 商品規格 主成份:黑鑽瑪卡濃縮萃-3800MG(德國高科技萃取) 內容量:10 cc/瓶 食用方法 1天1瓶,每次以200cc開水稀釋後食用 本產品含20%酒精,請酌量飲用
公司: [ TW] Diff Inc.
Disposable NIBP cuff
產品: Disposable NIBP Cuff
1,Disposable for single patient use only,to avoid potential cross-infection. 2,Material:white color PVC coated non-woven fabrics 3,One-piece/bladderless ...
公司: [ CN] Shenzhen Vistar Medical Supplies Co.,Ltd
sodium copper chlorophyll
產品: Sodium Copper Chlorophyll
1.Green,purity is more than 99.99% 2.High quality at reasonable price 3.Professional and prompt delivery 4.Modern process
公司: [ CN]
flow meter
產品: Flow Meter
ME4546 Precision engineered pressure compensated design accurately measures flow from 0~10 lpm or 0~15 lpm. Easy to read flow tube and unbreakable ...
公司: [ CN] Jiangsu Medease Co.,Ltd
Lead glass-X shield lead glass
產品: Lead Glass-X Shield Lead Glass
Provides high Quality ,transparent , protective shielding against X ray radiation for medical , technical , and research applications. Its high barium ...
公司: [ TW] Chih Chi Medical Ltd
Disposable Scalp Vein Set
產品: Disposable Scalp Vein Set
Body material: SUS304 stainless steel, and the needle have the quality as Misawa Japan. CE0197 and ISO9001 marked
公司: [ CN] Jiangxi Hongxin Medical Devices Co., Ltd
Glass Ampoules and Tubular Glass Vials
產品: Glass Ampoules And Tubular Glass Vials
Glass ampoules and tubular glass vials of usp type 1, widely used a packaging materials by pharmaceuticals companies for their life saving drugs. We manufacture ...
公司: [ IN] Klasspack Pvt. Ltd.
產品: Allicin
Shandong WNN Industrial Co.,Ltd Products List -----Chemical products Mining chemicals Xanthates - all types Dithiophosphates - all types Xanthic esters Thi ...
公司: [ CN] Shandong WNN Industrial Co.,Ltd
Sanqi Qingzhi Yijun Capsule
產品: Sanqi Qingzhi Yijun Capsule
1)Healthcare food 2)Natural termites and the fungus nourished by termites are main materials. 3)Can cure kind of hemorrhoids sicknesses including inner ...
公司: [ CN] Jiangxi Sanqi Biological and Biological Co., Ltd
<<上一頁 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 下一頁>>

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