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DLM dry lamination
產品: DLM Dry Lamination
Description: Full automatic operation and continuous running make our dry laminator essential in the manufacturing of a wide range of multi layered ...
公司: [ TW] Kuen Yuh Machinery Engineering Co. Ltd.
Braided Lead Sinker Rope
產品: Braided Lead Sinker Rope
Marine Delta is a Taiwan based leading manufacturer of Braided Lead Rope & Twisted Lead Sinker Rope. Various sizes, length, weight are available upon ...
產品: 金屬包覆紗
織帶機 : 胸罩肩帶,內衣褲鬆緊帶,醫藥繃帶,裝飾蕾絲用品 圓編織機 : 內衣,運動服裝,禮服 平織機 : 萊卡布,丹尼布,外衣,褲子
公司: [ ] Chin Hsiung Fiber Co., Ltd
93%TENCEL RAYON 7%SPANDEX 260G/M2 Suitable for Pajamas fabric and Casual Garments fabric
公司: [ TW] Eysan Fabrics Co., Ltd.
Bucket Hats
產品: Bucket Hats
A soft hat with a wide and downwards sloping brim. Manufacturing and custom for sun hats, student hats, Seattle Sombrero, baseball caps, leisure caps, ...
公司: [ ] Teff Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Button Emblem
產品: 童軍徽章
* 布種 : 有斜紋布/絨布/呢布/緞布/反光布及金銀蔥布可供選擇 * 刺繡線 : 使用100%螺縈刺繡線, 不含福馬林及Azo染劑 * 邊處理 : 切割邊/包邊或是剪邊, 視設計選擇 * 背加工 : 軟膠/硬膠/布襯/紙襯/黏扣帶或自黏膠等可選擇 * 網站產品僅供參考, 未經授權禁引用或複製生產
公司: [ TW] Chien Chee Embroidery Co.,Ltd.
Covering Yarn
產品: 金蔥包紗
M型的產品是由聚酯切割細小的規格而成, 它可以有兩種形式 ,一種為單邊色 ,另一種則為雙邊,其製程為在真空下塗上色料與抗氧化物所製做而成。它的厚度可以分為 6μ, 12μ, 25μ, 38μ, or 150μ ,而寬度則可以分為1/32", 1/69", 1/85", 1/100", 1/110", or 1/127". 其一般使用在染色平織物上,針織用品,刺繡,絲絨,鍛帶,裝飾用品,內部裝設。
公司: [ TW] Maw Chawg Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Knitted mesh
產品: Knitted Mesh
Knitted mono mesh for industry use
公司: [ TW] Jiunn Jang Textile Co., Ltd.
TPU Elastic Straps
產品: TPU鬆緊帶
材質: 熱可塑性聚胺酯彈性體『TPU』。 用途: 服裝、成衣、內衣褲、泳衣、運動服裝、口罩、免洗內褲、襪子、帽子、椅套、帳篷...等。 特性 TOP 環保材料,可自然裂解、無污染、無毒性,不破壞生態環境。 拉伸力強、彈性佳、可按需求達2~6倍的拉伸力。(依產品厚薄而定) 輕、薄、柔軟、隱藏性佳,是各種應用於服裝的好材料。 耐熱、耐寒的特性,可於熱帶與寒帶地區使用,在攝氏70℃~零下35℃的情況下,彈性不變。 無毒、環保,接觸皮膚,不刺激、不搔癢,不含對身體有害物質。 本公司TPU產品通過多項檢測,及ITS國際認證檢測,符合歐規 Oeko 級環保無毒標準且發給證書 規格表 TOP Item No. Size / mm Length mtr/kg Ctn Weight/kgs Meas. / Cuft U0210 2 x 0.10 4200 M 24 Bag 14 2.53 U0312 3 x 0.12 2300 M 24 Bag 14 2.53 U0408 4 x 0.08 2560 M 24 Bag 14 2.53 U0410 4 x 0.10 2150 M 24 Bag 14 2.53 U0412 4 x 0.12 1820 M 24 Bag 14 2.53 U0508 5 x 0.08 2150 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0510 5 x 0.10 1720 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0512 5 x 0.12 1560 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0608 6 x 0.08 1800 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0610 6 x 0.10 1600 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0612 6 x 0.12 1200 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0615 6 x 0.15 950 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0619 6 x 0.19 750 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U0815 8 x 0.15 720 M 12 Bag 14 1.76 U1015 10 x 0.15 560 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U1215 12 x 0.15 460 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U1515 15 x 0.15 370 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U2020 20 x 0.20 220 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U2520 25 x 0.20 170 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U3020 30 x 0.20 130 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U0622 6 x 0.22 740 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U0626 6 x 0.26 500 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U0630 6 x 0.30 460 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U0830 8 x 0.30 380 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U0835 8 x 0.35 330 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U1020 10 x 0. 20 480 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 U1522 15 x 0.22 250 M 10 Bag 11.2 2.1 長度誤差值: + - 3 % ( 任何規格均可訂製 ) ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 產品使用範例 TOP 檢測報告 TOP 彈力線 TOP 直徑: 0.5mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm Item No. Diameter Length mtr/kg Ctn Weight/kgs Meas. / Cuft UR05 0.5 mm 3672 M 12 Bag 14 2.53 UR08 0.8 mm 1581 M 12 Bag 14 2.53 UR10 1.0 mm 1072 M 12 Bag 14 2.53 UR15 1.5 mm 470 M 12 Bag 14 2.53 UR20 2.0 mm 265 M 12 Bag 14 2.53 長度誤差值: + - 3 %
公司: [ TW] Yea Jwu Plastics Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Spun Fleece
產品: Spun Fleece
Spun fleece can be used in blanket, jacket, indoor slippers, casual wear, etc. It's warm and comfortable.
公司: [ TW] Fong Yeong Enterprise Co., Ltd.
micro fabrics
產品: Micro Fabrics
good hand feeling, suit for beaching pants, sports wear wtc.
公司: [ CN] Wujiang Shuyu Textile Co.,Ltd
yarn dyed fabric
產品: Yarn Dyed Fabric
公司: [ CN] Lianfa Hongjia Textile Co, Ltd.
micro fiber
產品: Micro Fiber
- Material : Polyester and Micro Denier Nylon. - Wieght : 115~200g/sqm - Thickness : 0.43mm~0.45mm - Absorbency : 320~360g/qum - Size : 9x9 inches ...
公司: [ KR] Xpers
產品: Bag
all kinds of bags(fabric,leather,saicloth etc)available from our company at best price and high quality
公司: [ CN] Bigbest International Trade Company
cotton wool/cotton all
產品: Cotton Wool/Cotton All
50kg........................................... Gig Bale 1000g ........................................20rolls/case 500g ...................................... ...
公司: [ CN] Hubei Qianjiang Kingphar Medical Material supply Co., Ltd
Barbed Wire
產品: Barbed Wire
Weaving: twist and weaving; strong, handsome In addition, I plant to provide razor barbed wire series: Snake abdominal razor wire, straight razor wire, ...
公司: [ CN] anping sanxing wire mesh factory1Co.,Ltd
air slide fabric
產品: Air Slide Fabric
Company name: Fly Dragon Wire Mesh Co,Ltd. Air slide fabric is designed by our company. It is applicable to air oblique slot of powder stations ...
公司: [ CN] Fly Hao Wire Mesh Co,Ltd
polyester yarn
產品: Polyester Yarn
Fine Yarn corporation is a manufacture specialized in making: 1). Qualified micro-denier FDY polyester filaments: PET FDY full-dull , PET FDY Semi-dull ...
公司: [ CN] fineyarn corporation suzhou
Water oil Repellent Fabric
產品: Water Oil Repellent Fabric
All types of fluorescent fabrics made of our company contains cross-woven polyester-cotton, woven fabric, cotton polyester cover positive as polyester, ...
公司: [ CN] Xinxiang tianteng special textile co., ltd
FR fabric
產品: FR Fabric
All the garments, fabric, and accessories are up to the strict standard of European and American market. Weis main garments: Garments: FR clothing, welding ...
公司: [ CN] Weis
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 下一頁>>

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