公司介紹 – Shanghai World Bio-tech Co,Ltd.
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Shanghai World Bio-tech Co,Ltd.
Recommended Results 
  Shanghai World Biotech Co., Ltd. carried through the production management with the most precise attitude since it has been established. We adopt the steadiest quality and non-toxic raw materials go with the continuous research and development to offer the perfect products and service for our clients. The concept of our company is offering value for clients with most requisite characteristic and design of products. Therefore, each promotion of our products has colligated the advantages of variety catalogues and the investigation of the Application Department in domestic and other foreign countries. Meanwhile, it has mixed the further vision and thoughts of our Technical Department and Design Department, and all the efforts are aim to make every friend satisfied when using our products. Our products have all-around lineup which include hot/cold pack, hot pack, instant hot pack, ice pack, ice box, eye masks, shoulder pack, bottle cooler, insoles, etc.

  hot and cold pack, hand warmer, ice pack, ice box, eye mask, gel insole, bottle cooler
公司名稱:  Shanghai World Bio-tech Co,Ltd.
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-021-59104858
傳真:  86-021-59104860
國家:  中國
住址:  No.945,Lane 1157,Jiaxin Road,Shanghai
1. Hot Pack
2. 3 Sets Pack Pc
3. Bottle-Cooler
4. Eyes Mask
5. Hot Pack
6. Ice Box
7. Ice Pack
8. Instant Cold Pack
9. Instant Hot Pack
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