產品資訊 - Gold Oolong tea->WuLong tea
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Jumbolink International Corporation
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Gold Oolong tea 

  產品分類 : 農業及相關產品->咖啡和茶->烏龍茶

Gold Oolong tea

Model No:    A001
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  Gold Oolong Tea

Gold Oolong tea is the favourite tea of Taiwan.

Interest in Oolong is currently high due to clinical research into properties of the tea which enhance the body's ability to metabolise fat. Extremely rich in polyphenol, research suggests that oolong tea can be used in effectively aiding weight loss and controlling cholesterol by activating the enzymes which are responsible for dissolving triglycerides for health.

Jumbolink provide a special 6 years Oolong tea and a truly epicurean tea, this top grade oolong is comprised only of whole leaves which have been partially fermented to the exact point at which the rich floral notes and heady melon fragrance are developed.

Once you have tried our special Oolong tea you will be amazed that it is not more widely available or more loudly praised.


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