公司介紹 – Huaihua Ao Sheng Science & Technology Co., Ltd
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Huaihua Ao Sheng Science & Technology Co., Ltd
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  The AO SHENG Technology Co.,Ltd manufactures a broad range of Sodium Carboxymehtyl Cellulose (CMC) & Polyanionic Cellulose (PAC) .The manufacture plant is located in Huaihua industry Park, China, which covers an area of 80 acres with annual production capacity of 30,000mt.
AO SHENG has been producing CMC since the early 1990′s and has extensive knowledge of the manufacturing process and the products. Backed by customer cooperation and support, the company has grown into the one of the leading producer of CMC in China. Our skilled staff and well equipped Research and Development laboratories have the competence to tailor product performance to exacting customer specifications. And the development of environmentally-friendly products is a driving principle of our research.
  Carboxymehtyl Cellulose, CMC, Polyanionic Cellulose, PAC
公司名稱:  Huaihua Ao Sheng Science & Technology Co., Ltd
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-731-84281909
傳真:  86-731-84286679
國家:  中國
住址:  No.18, Bingjiang Avenue., Huaihua Industry Park, Hunan, China
1. Carboxymehtyl Cellulose
2. Carboxymehtyl Cellulose
3. CMC Used In Beverage
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