公司介紹 – NewTech Medical Limited
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NewTech Medical Limited
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  NewTech Medical Limited, a professional manufacturer and marketer in medical field, is actively providing products and services to thousands of hospital users through hundreds of distributors and partners with our international headquarters located in Minnesota, the USA and offices located in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Vancouver. The main business of Shanghai company is rehabilitation products.

NewTech intends to keep growing based on our technical specialty, enthusiasm of employees and cooperation with our business partners. NewTech will continue to develop high quality products at competitive prices.

NewTech have been engaged in Turn-key Projects, providing not only NewTech products but also various medical products to customers in need. Aidus, MediMax and DentalMax are three brands under NewTech Corporation. We will use our strong distribution network and experience in medical devices and equipment to expand into a wider range of products and markets.
  foot drop, stimulator, walk aid, muscle massager, electric stimulator, FES , i-walk 200 Foot Drop Treatment, personal care, Foot Drop Treatment, AFO, health care
公司名稱:  NewTech Medical Limited
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-21-61413851
國家:  中國
住址:  Office 1816,18F Shanghai OCN,699 NanJing West Road, Jing an District
1. Foot Drop System
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