YankuangLunan Fertilizer Plant (LunanFertilizer) is the production, R&D and HR bases of Coal Chemicals Industry in Yankuang Group. Since established in 1969, Lunan Fertilizer has won more than 200 honorary titles and aWords in national, provincial and ministerial level.
Shandong LuhuaTiancheng Trading Co., Ltd(Tiancheng) is the subsidiary of Lunan Fertilizer established in 2003, and mainly focuses on the international market. Besides Urea, Tiancheng is also the leading supplier in other fertilizers, especially Ammonium Sulphate, MAP, DAP and compound fertilizer. Now, Tiancheng has established the long-term cooperation with those multi-national companies including MITSUI (Japan), SK (S.Korea), HELM (Germany), Transammonia (US).