公司介紹 – King Metal Industrial Limited
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King Metal Industrial Limited
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  King metal industrial limited develops and manufactures used primarily in the electronics industrial and machinery industry. Products include indium, gallium, germanium,tellurium,bismuth,lead,selenium,cadmium,antimony,Tin and zinc metals and compounds;sputtering targets;high purity metals;Low melt Alloy;rare earth etc.
The Management of supply Chain provides a complete Machine Shop that allows them to offer various on-site services, such as, Electrolysis,Cutting, Hot Press, Vacuum Hot Press and Vacuum Melting services. Our reassurance policies prove that King Metal Industrial Limited continuously strives to increase production of high quality products specified to our customer's needs.
Our Customer Service team and Engineers have many years of experiences and will work with you to provide the highest quality of customer care. We are ready to work with you and your needs!
  Indium Bar, Indium ingot, Indium foil, Indium beads, Indium shot, Indium wire, Indium Trichloride, Indium target, Tantalum target, Vanadium powder, Hafnium powder, Zirconium powder, Magnesium foil, Magnesium shavings, Tellurium ingot, Beryllium powder, Boron powder, Gallium ingot, Selenium particles, Niobium powder
公司名稱:  King Metal Industrial Limited
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-731-84202059
傳真:  86-731-84202095
國家:  中國
住址:  No.704, Shanshuihuajing, Yuanda Rd,
1. Indium Ball Indium Granules
2. Indium Foil
3. Indium Ingot
4. Indium Wire
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