公司介紹 – Suntending Technology Co.Ltd
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Suntending Technology Co.Ltd
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  Launched out from 2005,Suntending Technology Co., Ltd is paying closely attention the China policy and development in saving energy and mitigation of CO_2, also doing the technology spread and exerting the green energy. Utilizing ourselves research patent and updated technology in the home and abroad, providing one-stop solution and pluralism integrated services, by through evaluation of saving energy projects, financing, training, maintain the products and facility etc, focused on the professional services and the customers’ requests.

The most products and technology are showing as below,
1.High brightness LED encapsulation
2.LED lighting system
3.Air-condition saving system
4.Wind power system
5.Solar energy power system
6.Waste energy conversion system etc.
  LED Light
公司名稱:  Suntending Technology Co.Ltd
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-0755-36957798
傳真:  86-0755-28075298
國家:  中國
住址:  No.805,2nd Building,Jinshiyayuan,Fuyong Town, Baoan District
1. LED Tunnel Light Series
2. LED Bulb Series
3. LED Daylight Lamp Tube Series
4. LED Embedded Ceiling Light Series
5. LED Spotlight Outdoor Series
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