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  Maike COwas incorporated in 1995 by MAIKE GROUP in United States of America .It is a sole proprietorship enterprise registered with the General Industrial and Commercial Administration of Hong Kong. The company combines vision and innovation with the ability to adapt advanced technologies. These characteristics make it one of the leading manufacturers of PDVD / SVCD / VCD players, Digital Home Theatre, Mini-combination, Multi-media combination, decode board and etc.
  Maike ''s research, design, development and manufacture headquarters is based in Shenzhen, China.It has gone through a fast and steady development. The company currently occupies the entire “Maike Digital Industrial Park” with an area over 18,000 sq. meters and employs more than 900 people including 150 competent administrative staff, fully qualified technicians and engineers and professional marketing personnel of high caliber, and over 750 skilled worker.

  Maike CO.products are developed by an eminent team of software engineers. Excellent service combined with above-average user friendliness make?Maike products stand out from the products of competitors. Maike has obtained ISO9001 International Quality System Certificate. Its brand “Maike” is awarded the "Famous Brand of China" and "Products that Exempt from Examinations & Quarantines" for its excellent and stable quality. Because of our excellent quality and services, a great many principal OEMs and recorder manufacturers are using our products and working with us in new product development.We have gained great trust and confidence from our customers. Today, our products are used daily throughout the world by private users, professionals and businesses. Market shares ranks top in domestic market and export volume is increasing gradually.

  Our customers'' interest, need and satisfaction are always our first priority. We will make sure that you will succeed and we will succeed with you.
  2.1 home theatre, speaker system, 2.1 speaker, multimedia speaker, speaker stands, speaker cable, speaker package, home theatre system , speaker box, pa speaker, loundspeaker, audio speaker, gome theatre amplifier, sound system, amplifier, woofer, DVD, portable DV, dvd, portable dvd
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-0755-27692468
傳真:  86-0755-27692779
國家:  中國
住址:  MaikeDigitalIndustrialGarden, San Wei Village, XixiangTown, Bao an District, Shenzhen, China
1. Home Theatre
2. Mutimedia Speaker
3. Speaker Box
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