公司介紹 – Thatshigh Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.
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Thatshigh Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.
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  Thatshigh Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. is a fast-growing high-technology company specialized in: laser-used crystals, non-linear crystals and optical components. Cooperated with several famous research institutes, THATSHIGH has built advanced experience in the growing and processing of laser-used crystals and non-linear crystals, as well as the R & D of optical components. By constantly supplying high quality products and services to clients in North America and Europe,THATSHIGH is accumulating its international services experience and recognition as time goes by.
  DKDP, Pockels cell, Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4, KTP, BBO, LBO , bonded crystals , Q-switch, MgO:LN, KDP, NLO crystal, laser crystal, Pockels cell Driver, YVO4 bonded , YAG bonded
公司名稱:  Thatshigh Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-531-88687116
傳真:  86-531-88907971
國家:  中國
住址:  Office Building No.1, 603 Tian-chen Ave., National High-tech Development Zone
1. BBO
2. KTP
3. LBO
4. Nd:YAG
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