公司介紹 – Tianjin shengna development of science co.,ltd
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Tianjin shengna development of science co.,ltd
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  Tianjin Shengna Development of Science Co., Ltd specialized in the manufacture and sales of high technological products in the fields of public traffic, environmental protection, multimedia electronics, education teaching, etc. The company is leading the way in the field of automobile repairing and analyzing in China and has undertaken several technical research of the state and reaches the standard of ministry or state. The analyzing devices like tail gas analyzer and smoke meter are suitable for traffic and police testing station, tail gas treatment station, auto manufacture factory, auto repair factory, colleges and universities, automobile example test chamber as well as other maintenance departments.
For many years, the company is constantly engaging in the innovation and development of high-technical products in the field of automobile testing equipments and traffic vehicles. The products have been spread all over China and achieved a good reputation. "Serve and satisfy the clients" is our unremitting pursuit.
We believe "Shengwei will make the world more beautiful!"
  auto gas analzyzer , smoke meter , headlight tester , portable hardness tester , ultrasonic flaw detector , lift , wheel alignments , thickness gause
公司名稱:  Tianjin shengna development of science co.,ltd
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  1-22-27980166
傳真:  1-22-27984085
國家:  美國
住址:  Jinxia Road, Northern Park of Zhongbei Industrial Park , Tianjin
1. SV-2QS Auto Exhaust Gas Analyzer
2. SV-5Q Gas Analyzer
3. Sv-D1T Vehicle Headlight Tester
4. SV-MFD 350B
5. SV-MH 310 Hardness Tester
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