公司介紹 – Haiyan Sunworld Solar Technology Co., Ltd
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Haiyan Sunworld Solar Technology Co., Ltd
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  Haiyan sunworld solar technology co, . Ltd, an innovative and creative company in the new and renewable energy, is a world leading solar energy products manufacturer in China. The company develops and manufactures the latest hi-tech evacuated glass tube solar water heating systems, advanced flat plate solar collectors, low pressure and mains pressure stainless steel tanks with or without heat exchangers, plastic tanks and enamel tanks. Sunworld develops and possess pioneering manufacturing technologies, know-hows and advanced process in the solar thermal industry. Sunworld continuously creates and experiments all kind of new design products without any restrictions and regardless of costs.
Sunworld not only exports solar water heaters, but also exports both solar thermal and photovoltaic product, and also extends direct technical supports and co-operations in manufacturing worldwide: In the past years, Sunworld had received hundreds of foreign visitors, including scientists, researchers, engineers, students, generalist and businessmen from all over the world.
Sunworld makes,with its state of art technologies, low pressure vacuum tube solar collectors, heat pipe and U-tube based mains pressure vacuum tube solar collectors, storage inner tank heat exchanging pressurized solar water heaters, pressurized storage tank with copper coil heat exchanger, open circuit low pressure thermo-siphon solar water heaters, advanced closed loop differential temperature controlled high pressure vacuum tube solar water heaters, residential solar hot water centers, industrial and commercial solar hot water engineering systems. And more …
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公司名稱:  Haiyan Sunworld Solar Technology Co., Ltd
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-573-86080422
傳真:  86-573-86080423
國家:  中國
住址:  Daliu Village, Wuyuan Town, Haiyan City, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China
1. Solar Water Heater
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