公司介紹 – Taime Pte Ltd
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Taime Pte Ltd
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  We, Taime , started as a manufacturer of baby product in Singapore since 1969.

Our wide range of products are known to provide the essential needs to babies
Products with very competitive pricing and highest quality

We have shifted our operation to China and South East Asia

Currently we are promoting our "Lucky Baby" brand of product to the worldwide market.

Our products are being manufactured under strict quality control and constantly providing new ideas to the babies market
Most of our products have gone through safety test for Europe and USA

Feel free to browse through our website
online catalogue

Should you hve any further inquiries, feel free to contact us and we would be glad to assist your esteem company.

  baby, baby stroller, baby buggy, baby bottles
公司名稱:  Taime Pte Ltd
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  65-0-64455778
傳真:  65-0-64455090
國家:  新加坡
住址:  514 Chai Chee Lane Unit No. 06-06 Singapore 469029
1. Lucky Baby Mondo
2. Lucky Baby Mondo
3. Lucky Baby Mondo
4. Lucky Baby Mondo
5. Lucky Baby Mondo
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