公司介紹 – Arvand Industry & Process Co
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Arvand Industry & Process Co
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  Arvand industry & Process Company was founded in 2000. This company basis on presentation of engineering and commercial services in designing, manufacturing and imports of industrial equipments and production lines as follow:

1. Wheat and Corn Starch Production Lines
2. Glucose and Starch Derivatives Production Lines
3. Modified Starch Production Lines ( Cationic, Pre gelatinized, Oxide Starch)
4. Starch Plastic and Starch Tableware Production Lines

Main machines which are supplied by us are as:
disc separator, centrifuge decanter, vacuum filter, starch dryer, gluten dryer, centrifuge sieve, evaporator, hydro cyclone units.
  starch industry, modified starch, glucose production line, starch table ware, starch drivatives, starch dryer, gluten dryer, air flow dryer, bundle dryer, vacuum filter, rotary sieve, bend screen, prussure sieve, starch concentration, starch sepration, starch washing, centrifuge decanter, disc separator, milk defatting, , milk purifying
公司名稱:  Arvand Industry & Process Co
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  98-21-44056278
傳真:  98-21-44050766
住址:  Unit 41,Balut Complex, after Ebrahimi St. ,East Ferdos Blvd, Second Sadeghieh Squar, Tehran, Iran
1. Disc Separator
2. Hydrocyclone Units
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