公司介紹 – Xiamen OPO Art Co.,Ltd
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Xiamen OPO Art Co.,Ltd
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  Xiamen, one of the three oil painting bases in the world, is the biggest oil painting production in China, OPO is located in Xiamen China, is dedicated to bring customers exquisite and highly attractable artworks. Combined with our framing and mounting services as well, we can make it simple and safe for customers to find a selection that is perfect for their home apartments or office. Our goal is to become your preferred supplier of excellent and appreciative artwork.

OPO, the leading hand painted oil paintings manufacturer in Xiamen China, supplies a broad range of decorative artworks. Our team consists of hundreds of experienced and well-trained painters with professional background, we can fast respond to the customers’ large quantity demand on high quality products. Our goal is to meet our customers’ need with affordable price, popular designs, on-time delivery and guaranteed after-sale service.

Our works and service could “ease your eyes, enjoy your life”. Do not hesitate to contact us for the details and further questions.
  painting, paintings, oil painting, oil paintings, people, plum blossom, portrait, abstract, African subjects, animal, floral, fruit, landscape, nude, musical insturment, hill series, modern arts, group painting, decorative art, arts and crafts
公司名稱:  Xiamen OPO Art Co.,Ltd
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-592-5654599
傳真:  86-592-5136067
國家:  中國
住址:  C906 Yue Xin Manor, No.41 Xing Hu Road, Huli District
1. Oil Painting(People)
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