公司介紹 – Samgor Electrical Co.,Ltd.
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Samgor Electrical Co.,Ltd.
Recommended Results 
  As a professional supplier in the high voltage test equipment business, Samgor has a reputation for quality and reliability based on extensive product and vast experience. Samgor provide the test, measurement and diagnostic equipment for a wide range of electrical applications. Test systems for laboratory, factory and field use are available.

As a single source supplier we unify powerful resources from design, development, engineering, marketing and support-from high-voltage design over electronics to software in one company. So Our company becomes a leader in the power equipment manufacturing enterprises based on the leading technology and excellent market development.

Now, We uncreasingly not only improve our product, moreover can screen and centralism country electric power remarkable product and performto improve. We continue the process of development, the industry will be widely joint new and old friends, and seek common development of electric power industry in the world providing innovative technology and high-quality services.
  high voltage test, standard capacitor, impulse, generator, test bridge, coupling capacitors, partial discharge, transformer, lab, AC, BRIDGE, dielect, pd
公司名稱:  Samgor Electrical Co.,Ltd.
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  86-021-58999552
傳真:  86-021-68482953
國家:  中國
住址:  9F, Founder Tower NO.1122, Xinjinqiao Rd, Pudong, Shanghai, 201206 China
1. AC Resonant Test Systems
2. Alternating Voltage AC Testing System Cylinder-Type Transformers
3. Impulse Voltage Generator
4. Precision Capacitance And Dissipation Bridge
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