公司介紹 – Edman Saffron Co.
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Edman Saffron Co.
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  Edman Saffron, being an agricultural and export company with over 30 years of successful experience in producing and packaging saffron for both domestic and international markets, has established a powerful complex with the intention of creating a new attitude toward saffron's importance and use.

This company has made its best to satisfy its customers' needs and tastes by producing and packaging the saffron of highest quality based on the international quality standards, distributing it in packs of various weights and shapes in the 5 continents of the world. Also, having a department for designing, the company is able to supply the customers' needs in accordance with their orders.

To improve the quality of its saffron, Edman Saffron Company has for the first time in Iran established a saffron quality control laboratory. Our physics, chemistry and microbiology laboratory is equipped with the state-of-the-art machinery and they are recognized as accredited reference laboratories providing assistance to Iran Industrial Research and Standard Institute. The company's products, passing through different stages of control tests in our laboratories, are offered to the consumer market in accordance with ISO 3632-1 & 2 international standard. This laboratory has had the honor of receiving a testimonial as Iran's superior laboratory in 1998 and 2003.

Packaging and sorting saffron is carried out by means of exact systems, under supervision of trained and skillful personnel. After the saffron is sorted, it is packed in packs of various weights. Saffron is packaged, depending on the customers' needs, in packs ranging from 0.2gr. to 500gr, in the company's production line. Since saffron is sensitive to humidity and sunshine, and since it may easily lose its odor, impenetrability of the packages are of great importance. During the recent years, Edman Saffron Company has been one of the pioneer saffron producing companies that has modernized and enhanced saffron packaging system with the aim of achieving and maintaining high quality saffron; a policy followed by many other producers. It is thus a great honor for this company to have had a great role in the introduction of Iran's high quality saffron to the international markets.

This company is honored to have received a testimonial from Iran Standard Institute as the producer of highest quality saffron in 1998. The company has also received the international quality prize from BID institute of France in 2001 and from BID institute of Switzerland in 2003.
  Saffron, safron, zaferan, azafaran, safran
公司名稱:  Edman Saffron Co.
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  98-511-8541015
傳真:  98-511-8593913
住址:  No. 353, Eastern Danesh Str., Imamreza Ave.
1. Saffron
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