公司介紹 – DeMir
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  I would like to introduce you DeMir firm.
Our company has been involved in candles production for 15 years.
We have many of our products consumers equally in Poland and in the World.
Unusually reach in colour and in plenty interesting shapes collections of our products agree with newest world design trends.
Beside many creations which are ready we are capable to realise individual wishes of our customers creating candles according to personal customers orders.

These are the products which colours, shapes, textures and size are adjusted to our clients needs.
All our candles are no dropping, have a long light time, and if they are scented they really smell nice.
But even this high quality, our product's prices are competitive to other candles producer prices in Poland.
May be we can establish any cooperation between our firms.
If you are interseted or you would like to possess more informations about us and our products please contact us.
  candle, demir
公司名稱:  DeMir
連絡:  聯絡我們
網址:  ********
電話:  48-071-3458217
傳真:  48-071-3458217
國家:  波蘭
住址:  ul. Kowalska 86a
1. Antymosquito Candle
2. Dafne
3. Love
4. Scarlet
5. Tulip
6. Witraz
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